Mercy Acts International (MAI) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 by husband and wife team, Reverend James E. Brown and Linda Ross Brown. James is retired from marketing and sales, and Linda is a retired high school music teacher. Prior to forming MAI, James and Linda were actively involved in home missions. In 2010 they extended their service to include global missions specifically in Haiti and Liberia where they continue to serve on a regular basis. From the very first mission trip, they felt the urgent need to help children and families on the mission field as well as find support for them in the United States. This strong desire to provide assistance to people in these impoverished countries led James and Linda to partner with churches in the United States to initiate a Tractor Campaign for Lott Carey Mission School in Liberia. The success of the Tractor Campaign motivated this husband and wife team to form Mercy Acts International, an organization that helps meet the needs of people who live in extremely poor countries, as well as assist people in the United States. James and Linda are committed to:
“Serving wholeheartedly, as if they were serving the Lord, and not people.” -Eph 6:7